Wednesday 10 December 2008

Card Thriller Task

The task we were given is that we had to make a minute - a minute and a half sequence of a 'thrilling card game'. we got a 3 hour period to film the shots that we were going to include in this sequence. we had 3 main characters in this sequence - Kassi, Andy and Faruk. the thrilling card game was going to consist of a card game that ended up in death with a build up of tension.
we are fairly happy with the camera work used in this piece and we believe that the most successful shots were the close ups of faces that showed emotion and conveyed the story well. over the shoulder shot worked well because it used continuity editing that looked free and flowing. some shots that didn't work was the panning shot as it was going more than one way and it didn't look professional.
The editing was pretty straight forward using Final Cut Pro. some of the shots in the sequence had edit jumps within it so it didnt work or look realistic but some of the shots had continuity editing so it looked like it flowed and followed as usual rather than looking like a cut. our short film made sense as the shots followed in order and there was not much dialogue so it was pretty straight forward story and even at the end it drew in the storyline.
Mise En Scene taught us a lot within the sequence because we realized the importance of background and space around the subjects in shots.
I believe we managed to create an element of suspense as we kept the story line dragging on until the end shot where it unravelled, to create this suspense we used many camera shots combined and also didnt add much dialogue so the actions spoke louder than words.
During and after each shot i left 5 minutes editing time for me to say action and cut so that on final cut we could add the ins and out points without missing parts of the sequence.
I didnt purposely use conventions from real thriller films but i think there is an element of suspense and tension which is used in this sequence and also the dark room and scream at the end is inspired by a real thriller film.
The feedback from the teacher was mainly poaitive but he just commented on the fact that we could have less jumps in between shots so that it looks more realistic and also that we shouldnt use the panning shots because it looks unprofessional.
i believe that by doing this task i have learned more about editing and camera angles.