Sunday 5 April 2009

Flat 94 Evaluation

Media Thriller Evaluation

To help us with ideas for our thriller we watched some scenes from other thrillers in class for example ‘what lies beneath and ‘se7en’ and we took notes on which techniques worked well and why it worked so well. In ‘what lies beneath’ we watched the bathtub scene and they used emphasized sound really well because every single thing they done was loud e.g. when she was taking out the plug and her scream.
In the opening of Se7en they edited it really well using creepy writing and used extreme-close-ups on the person’s hands well also because you don’t ever see the persons face which makes it freakier.
In our thriller we used techniques from the films we watched:
we used emphasised sound like in the scene where Kassi (actor) locks the door to show that she is scared of something and is locking the door to prevent anyone or anything from getting in, close-ups like the shot of someone sharpening a knife, the shadow of someone holding a knife which is similar to the one in the Alfred Hitchcock film ‘psycho’

and a weird font for the title of the thriller and the credits. We also used a technique which is to film what will happen at the end of the film and put it right at the beginning and then show/ tell what happened and give hints so in the end it will make sense – this is like going back in time and having flashbacks, this will then make the watcher/ audience ask questions about the storyline.

The famous picture from the 1980s film psycho.

Our thriller’s knife shot.
Like most other thriller we used we used a 17 year old teenager as the main actor who gets stalked and then killed. We used a 39 year old man as the stalker/ killer.

I think if our opening was a complete film it would be released by film4 because as they promote English/ UK films and we are based in the UK.
We would not try and go for a Hollywood distribution because it most likely would not be a success because we do not have any famous actors but I think it would have the potential to make the top 20 films of the year, but another path is that we could be exhibited in an art house cinema due to very little funding and that we are a independent British film. Our film might be tested in a few cinemas across London to see the reaction of the public and if positive then we would talk about the possibility of releasing it in Europe and America.
Our thriller would then be released on DVD and played on film4 possibly, it should not be on the internet but this is inevitable as DVD piracy is a major loss in a film company’s profit because people could just download it on the internet and watch it for free instead of going to the cinema and paying to watch the film.

Due to our target audience would be teenagers of both male and female aged 15 to 30; it would likely be certified as a 15, as I think most movies that are certified 18 are mostly horrors. Throughout the film you would see other female characters being shown as weaker and the male characters would be more dominant which may not appeal to the female audiences.
We would target the normal audience as well, the type of people who enjoy shows such as CSI Miami and other detective shows.
We would also attract fans of the directors Alfred Hitchcock or Steven Spielberg for Jaws and Duel because I think that our film would be similar in terms of creating tension and suspense such as ‘What lies beneath’. Many thrillers revolve around investigation e.g. Saw audiences of this film should like our thriller as well as I think they are quite similar by the fact that you know what has happened but you don’t know who done it or how it happened until the end.

To attract our target audience we would use media techniques to intensify our film’s interest and appeal. We could sell things such as a similar knife to the one in our thriller in shops which would advertise in the form of merchandise and would also generate some form of income. We could sponsor a McDonald’s burger to advertise as well e.g. Dark Knight and Burger King. Advertise on billboards; advertise trailers on the internet and during TV adverts. Methods we could use to draw an audience into the opening of a film are:

• Excitement
• Action packed
• Introduce characters
• Sound
• Establishing shot
• Dramatic
• Tone/ mood
• Raise questions

Before this task I had only used a video camera two or three times while on holiday and all times they were only handheld amateur shots.
So I did learn quite a lot about technology and cameras. I knew how to do the easiest thing which was how to actually record, all you had to do is set up the camera facing which ever way you want to shoot and press record to record and then press the same button to stop recording. We had to turn the camera off whenever we weren’t recording because the battery would drain quickly. I learnt how to lock the camera onto the tripod so it would not fall off however we did not use the tripod a lot because our film is about a stalker so if we wanted it to look realistic then we had to use a lot of handheld shot which worked well e.g. running up the stairs, which obviously would have been incredibly difficult if we used a tripod.
In editing I learnt many things like how to use the editing programmes such as Final cut pro and Live Type which was extremely important for making the opening of our thriller that much better; these programmes were completely new to me so it was good we got to practise on our first piece of film in the preliminary task, otherwise I would have not gotten to grips with the programme and would therefore have not finished out thriller in time to hand in before the deadline.
Internet has also helped us finish our thriller; we researched and watched other thrillers to get ideas for our own thriller. We also had to blog about everything we had done in the build up to the finished thriller, basically like keeping a written journal on the filming process, for example like what we done in editing and how we made the music.
We also uploaded both our preliminary task and our thriller opening on Vimeo which is also on blogger, which means the internet has widened the potential audience for our thriller.

From looking at our preliminary task I have learned that planning is a vital part in film making; you can’t just dive straight in and start filming when you have not planned because you will eventually run out of steam and get stuck which will then slow you down. You will have to have a detailed and well-thought out plan on from the start of your filming, till the end. I have also realised that shooting takes a lot longer that I expected because you need around 3hours of film for a 3 min clip which means a whole movie would take a few years, this is because of editing and sound. We filmed around 15 minutes of film for a 2 minute opening, although we did film a few shots twice but it without a doubt is better to have too much than to have too little.
In our preliminary task we didn’t plan in enough detail so we got stuck quite a lot, taking that into account we knew we had to have the most detailed plan we could so that we knew exactly what we was doing every lesson. We also learned which shots looked good e.g. the reflection shot, in the bathroom when kassi walks in and the point of view shot where it seems like the person is running up the stairs and you could hear them breathing heavily. This time round when filming the thriller I felt more confident with the equipment and what I was doing. We was told not to tell a story in the opening 2 minutes because a lot of people have done that, and that was not what was asked, we was asked to film only the opening 2 minutes.
- Reflection shot in bathtub mirror.
- Point of view shot running up stairs.

Friday 27 March 2009

evaluation 'FALT 94'

Flat '94'

For the AS Media coursework, we were asked to produce a two minutes thriller film over a time of approximately two months. After watching examples of thriller openings in class, such as, ‘Shinning’ and ‘What Lies Beneath’ we were given a clear idea of the conventions which were used in real thriller films. For example some of the conventions that were repeatedly used in the opening of real thrillers were establishing shots to show the location of action, time, setting and the atmosphere of the film. Also, there was a use of dark lighting to position the atmosphere of the thriller movie and titles were snap up in the opening of the thrillers to give information about the actors and the directors.

We also found out that in every thriller movie, there is victim and a villain with a basic beginning, middle, and an end layout to the movie keeping the thriller simple and clear for the audience when watching. We also learned that the plots in the films are usually very simple stories and they are performed by the effects and camerawork used. As a result, we tried to use some of the regulations and conventions of existing thrillers movies. Therefore, our thriller would keep in line with the quality of efficiently made thrillers.

The key motivation for our thriller opening was ‘What lies beneath’ this is because we wanted to create a strange mood in our thriller and we felt that ‘What lies beneath’ gives off an enormous amount of strange atmosphere.
Therefore, the things that actually demand us were the setting which was set in a house with an individual person. This created a nervous reaction around the film, also the noises that formed a self-conscious atmosphere, with the use of house, props and lighting. Also we thought that the emotion of bareness and being alone went really well. Therefore, we decided to use this theme in our thriller movie. As a result, we thought that all of the rules and conventions listed worked very well in the film. Therefore, we decided to work with the same theme when creating our thriller opening, using the basic method that was used in ‘What lies beneath’.

As a result, our thriller opening fits with the feature rules and conventions of a thriller movie. Our thriller also challenges real media products by using its conventions and rules, that it is not a clear thriller movie type until it is watched carefully. With real conventions such as, a range of camera angles, quick cuts, music creating tension, over emphasized noises, and the use of props.

Also, when creating the thriller opening there are many things to be thought before going ahead and filming, as a result, we needed to find out how is the media product we are filming going to represent particular social groups. Such as, teenagers, adults, and elderly people. Therefore, we have tried to represent a particular social group, by using a seventeen years old female actor; our particular social group was teenager’s age sixteen to seventeen. This is because, teenagers are more interested in going to cinema then adults. Therefore, our media product was linked to teenager, which means that there would have been more people going to cinemas to watch the thriller. As a result, this would have made our media product more successful.

We have used an adult killer and a female teenager as the victim; this is to show the diversity in gender. Also, female teenagers are more unsecure than male teenagers. We have used an actor that has a mixed origin. Therefore, our thriller is not aimed at a particular racial group. We also have not included any religious themes or props; this is because we didn’t want our thriller film to be aimed at a particular group and to restrict audience or viewers. Therefore, we have used an identifiable every day girl that had no significant of any religious people.
We would like to distribute our thriller movie worldwide, this is because we would like to prevent piracy and give everyone the same chance to watch the thriller on same day, such as, Indiana Jones was one of the films released like this. Therefore, this style of release prevents all piracy and illegal downloads. Also by releasing our thriller worldwide will maximize our profit of the thriller movie.

We would also choose to release it over the internet such as, on youtube, facebook, vimeo and myspace. This is becuse the social group we are presenting will have access to these types of social sites. Therefore, this would be one of the ways we will advertise our media product to the audience. We would also like to distribute our thriller movie in all cinemas; this is because everybody has their own choice of cinemas, also people would find it more accessible then going to one specific cinema.

Subsequent to researching many institutions and distributers we have chosen Maple Pictures to distribute our media product, this is because they have had many successful films and people may associate the name Maple Pictures, which has already existing movies that have done excellent on liberate. As a result, if our thriller movie is to be distributed under this name then people may use this association and think the similar about our thriller movie. Maple Pictures has had successful films, such as, Transporter. This film has done well under this name and also has stars such as some of the Hollywood’s major names.

Our media product would have the rating of 15; this is because it isn’t as scary enough to have a rating of 18. However, we wouldn’t want a 12 year old to see it because we consider if the movie was taken further then it would have had more violent blood and killing. As a result, we think it is not suitable for a 12 year old to observe. Also, the market for our viewers would be older teenagers, such as 15+ this is because they could identify and communicate the story of the movie. Also, this age would welcome the content and the plot of the movie. The class of our viewers may possibly be both working and middle class people. This is because our thriller is situated in a flat and the main character is a normal girl, therefore both upper class and middle class would watch this if they had a choice to. The audience we have chosen is normal rather than a niche market. This is because it is easier to appeal to a wider range of audience than to appeal to specific criteria of smaller audience.

A characteristic who would fit into our target viewers would be teenagers between sixteen to seventeen (16/17) years old. Who is in full time education at school or college and is interests in thriller movies. Also, teenagers who have spare time and likes to go out with their friends. It is very important to attract audience to go and watch the thriller; there are range of ways, such as, TV advertisements. This is because the majority of people watch TV and also we would choose to market it on prime time television because that’s the point where large amount of the public watch TV. Therefore, more people would see the advertisements and making attempt to go and see the thriller.

Another way we could market our media product is by putting a trailer in the cinemas when there is a well known movie that has a huge population of audience. This is because it would show to cinema lovers who go to the cinema every often to watch a movie. In addition, we would advertise it on social network or internet sites, this is because teenagers 15+ will use these types of networking sites as a result, this would have a big impact on the thriller. This is because our target audience who we have aimed our thriller would have access to all the networking sites such as face-book, and by putting a link to the trailer anybody will have the change to gain access to this trailer online.

In the period of our project we have learned a range of different types of technologies from the process of constructing our media product; this is because everything was new to us, when we first started our project. As a result, we went on in the process of everything we learned and found it useful for us coursework. When filming the footage for the media product we found that we had to use lots of different media techniques with the camera such as, recording, tripod, moving it, and angles.

When all the footage was filmed we then had to transfer it into an application called Final Cut Pro this is where most of the cutting and editing was done to produce the final clips of our media project. We establish final cut pro easy to use and simple to understand, this is because one of the technicians had showed us how do us it. After using final cut pro to edit our piece of work we then had to add sound tracks. As a result, to add sound tracks we had to use an application called Soundtrack Pro to produce the music that fitted our piece of work we have created. However, after the sound we had to create the moving image. This is where we used it to top it off and make our media project look like an already existing thriller. For this we used a program called live Type to make the titles at the beginning of the thriller opening. This was the basic Apple Mac program that we used to create the final product.

Last and final technological program that we learned and used was an Internet based site called Blogger. This is where we recorded everything we done in class like a diary. We also mentioned, what we did to film, and edit. After finishing the media product we have posted the website on the blogger so that people could see what we had created, also, giving people the chance to see others thriller opening.

Looking back at my preliminary task, I feel that as a group we have done very well in both filming and time catching to match cut and editing. Looking back at my match cut exercise I have learned that group working is very important in media and also to film an opening or a movie it is very important that storyboarding and planning is made correct. Also, to make a media product successful the editing and soundtrack is very important in media.

Thursday 26 March 2009

Media Evaluation

Media Evaluation

Before going off to film our thriller we watched clips of different thriller movies to get inspiration for our own films. We watched such films as What Lies Beneath
The Shining

Because we watched these clips, we were able to extract certain camera angles that we could use in our thriller, or even similar themes that we could follow. It was a useful way of compiling ideas together.
After completing the opening there are many things that are noticeably different compared to typical thriller movies. Normally, a film would use an establishing shot as the very first shot; this is to set the scene so the audience is aware of where the film is taking place.
However, our thriller opening started with a close up shot of a face. Comparatively, it’s against the conventional opening of a movie – not necessarily a thriller.
As a group we decided to use flashbacks in our opening as a way of raising questions, this is a typical way of beginning a movie because the audience wants something to grab their interest the minute they start watching.
Not many movies begin their story with the end, but we decided to do that because it would make the opening itself more entertaining, as it makes you wonder “who is that?” “Why are they dead?” “Who is the killer?” etc.
We discussed the audience together, as a group, analyzing our ideas for the thriller and to which age groups they would be suitable for. In the end we chose the idea for our opening along with the age group we would be creating the film for: 15 plus.
A typical person that would probably see this movie would be around the age of fifteen or sixteen; likes to watch movies that make them jump, but can’t see 18’s yet. Probably an independent person, and wouldn’t go and see this movie with their parents. They would most likely enjoy it because it gives a slight eerie mood, but it’s not full on scary. There’s a lot of elements that could give a slight jump to that sort of audience but not enough to terrify them.
In order to attract this sort of audience, it is important to advertise in ways that would be visible to them. Technology nowadays allows us to advertise things in a much larger scale:

Television allows adverts to be broadcast all over the world.
This movie would be a big Hollywood production, so the first main thing that would attract the audience to the movie would be if there was a huge celebrity as the lead role.
Because there would be, massive billboard posters, and bus advertisements would mean that people would see it every day. Although, it would have to be an explicit poster to capture the attention of our target audience. Also, television and computer advertisements would successful ways of getting our target audience to notice our film, and to get them interested in going to see it.

The thriller itself, I felt was successful. Our use of sound was simple yet effective, as it emphasized simple sounds (such as a knife sharpening) into sounding menacing and creepy. We also, made sure that we used a lot of different camera angles when filming the opening,

because we wanted to display our knowledge of working the camera. This worked well when editing because it enabled us to select what we thought worked best when putting all of the clips together. We also decided on using a point of view shot in our opening, from the aspect of the killer; to one make our thriller different from others, and two to allow the audience to see everything from the perspective of the killer.

The aim of our opening was to raise questions, and to start a story which wouldn’t be a conventional story line to most other movies. It would have been easy to have a girl being stalked on her way home, but we decided against it, and to have the killer already watching menacingly only meters away.
We also decided on a broken narrative in our opening, cutting from flashbacks to the present, and back again. We decided on this because we didn’t want to tell the whole story within the two minute opening, we wanted to raise questions and to keep the audience wanting more.
When it came to editing the opening itself, I found that the process wasn’t hard at all. It did become tedious at times when clips kept un-rendering themselves, and sometimes when the effects didn’t work so we had to keep replacing them. But as soon as we go the hang of Final Cut Pro we were editing the clips well.
Once we had all the clips in the right place, and we were certain that was the final sequence for our opening, we began to add the text.
We decided against overlaying the text on to the clips of film because it might distract the audience view. So, we kept it simple with a black background and white text. Although, it was important to have a font that looked creepy to keep in relation to the theme.
The appliance of text didn’t take very long, so it soon became time to add our soundtrack to the opening. This was the bit that was probably the hardest, mostly because we had to find suitable music to play over the opening. We went to Soundtrack Pro as the program to use for our music.

We soon came across a simple violin melody that sounded rather eerie, and we decided to loop it because it sounded good against the film. We added sounds over the melody, and these were the sounds of water running, and a knife being sharpened etc.
On a whole, creating the two minute opening was a rather simple process, with a bit of help from the technicians when it came to editing, but once we knew what we were doing we had no problem in creating the mood we wanted.
Each lesson we had, we had to record it on our blogs by using Blogger.

This was the way we were meant to keep track of our filming process, and it was also a way to post our movie on to the internet. Other ways in which we could have done that are by uploading it to Vimeo or YouTube.

By doing this, we are releasing our film to a much larger audience, as they these websites are visited by people from all over the world.
Looking back over the whole experience, I feel that I have learnt some vital skills when it comes to filming; learning about angles, and how to capture a shot, and how to work the actual camera itself.
I found the planning was probably the hardest part of the process because it was vital to get the right idea in our minds before we went off and filmed. We didn’t want to go out and film something and not know what we were going to actually shoot. I think the filming worked well because we all worked well as a group, which meant we listened to each other if someone had a suggestion on how to film something.
Overall, the whole process wasn’t too difficult, our group worked well together and we managed to create a brilliant piece of media that shows our true potential. I’ve learnt all about the different elements of a movie – how it is made, the camera work, the music, and editing. I’ve become more confident in producing a piece of work that has been well edited and has clean match-cuts. I think as a group we all worked well together, each giving our own ideas and agreeing and disagreeing when necessary, if it wasn’t for that then the opening might not have been finished.

Media Evaluation

Media Evaluation:
In the build up to creating my final media thriller, we watched already existing thrillers to gather inspiration and analyse the conventions of the openings to see what was effective in them to help us when creating our thriller. We watched the openings to The Shining, What Lies Beneath, Seven, Psycho and many others.

Some conventions that we found frequently occurred when watching these openings were: An Establishing shot to show us the place of action, the setting, the time and place and setting the atmosphere for the rest of the film, dark lighting to set the mood of the thriller film, titles popped up in all of them. Sounds were over emphasized for the ‘thriller’ (jumpy) effect, we found that there is always a victim and a killer with a simple beginning, middle, end format to the film keeping it straight forward and understandable for the audience when watching, the plots in the film are usually very simple stories but dramatized by the effects and camerawork used.
I tried to use some of these codes and conventions of existing thrillers so it would keep in line with the quality of thrillers that are being made professionally.

The main inspiration for my thriller was ‘What lies beneath’ because I felt as if it give off a great eerie mood which I wanted to create in my own. The things that really appealed to me when watching it were – That it was set in a house with a girl being alone, the tense feeling around the film, the over emphasized noises that created a awkward atmosphere, the use of house props+ lighting that are familiar to everyone and the audience can relate to it. Also I thought the feeling of emptiness and being alone really well so I used this theme in my own. All of the conventions listed I thought worked well in that film so I decided to work with them when creating my thriller opening, using the basic techniques used in ‘ What lies beneath’.
Even though my thriller opening does fit with typical conventions of a thriller by using its conventions, it also challenges real media products in the way that it is not an obvious thriller genre until watched thoroughly when real conventions (Variety of camera angles, over emphasized noises in the film, quick cuts, music that creates tension, the use of typical props, mirror, knife etc) are noticed. In addition, it challenges the camerawork and angles of already existing thrillers by keeping the shots tighter rather than loose and by creating different angles to excite the viewer when watching.

When creating the thriller opening many things have to be thought through before going ahead and shooting, like how is the media product we are going film represent particular social groups. The character, girl that stars in my thriller is 17 so therefore I believe that the thriller opening that I have created could be aimed at a teen and above audience because of the relation of audience to the character, she is also a normal everyday girl so that everyone could identify and relate to her. Also the gender audience could be an issue when creating a thriller but I believe I have equally balanced the genders and the main character is a girl and the killer is a man so could show diversity in gender rather than just appealing to one. Another representation that has to be taken into consideration is racial groups as this is very important when marketing the film. The girl that stars in the thriller is of a mixed origin, as it is not purposely aimed at a particular racial group. I purposely didn’t use any religious themes or props in the thriller because I didn’t want it to be restricted to what audience could watch it. I am conforming to standard representations that are made in films where the evil killer is the male and the victim is a female.

Media institutions and distributions are a big deal when marketing a film as they can make or break a film as such. I would like to distribute my thriller film worldwide as to prevent piracy so to give everyone the same opportunity to watch the thriller, like Indiana Jones was released like this and because of this style of release it prevented all piracy and illegal downloads etc. Also thinking of the financial side of the business a worldwide release of a film would maximize the profits for the film. I would not choose to release it over the internet (you tube , my space) because some people may not be able to gain access to or be familiar with it therefore again I feel that would limit audience figures. I would also like to distribute my film in all cinemas allowing everybody with their own choice to get involved.

After researching many institutions and distributers I have chosen Maple Pictures to distribute my media product because they have had many successful films and people may associate the name Maple Pictures with already existing films that have done well on release so if ours is distributed under this name people may use this association and think the same.
Maple Pictures successful films: The haunting, Transporter, The Spirit, Crank etc these films show how many films have done well under this name and also these films star some of Hollywood’s biggest names including Jason Statham who is a well known British actor and does well in America too.

Attracting audiences and ratings to do with the thriller is another big theme when thinking about films and marketing. I would make the rating a 15 because it is not scary enough to become an 18 but I wouldn’t take a 12 year old to see it because I believe if the film was taken further it would have blood, killing etc which I don’t think is suitable for a 12 year old to watch. I would say that the market for our audience would be older teens from 15+ so that they could sympathize and relate to the girl in the film and also this age would appreciate the content and storyline of the film. The class of our audience could be both working and middle class as it is set in a flat and she is a normal girl so I wouldn’t think the upper class would watch something like this is they had a choice, I made the thriller with this in mind. I don’t believe that by doing this I am losing a great audience because others would be attracted to it. The audience I have chosen is mainstream rather than a niche market because it is easier to appeal to a wider audience rather than using specific criteria to appeal to a smaller audience.

A typical person who would fit into my target audience would be a older teen (16/17) who was at college and had interests in thriller/horror films and in their spare time likes to go out to the cinema with friends etc.
Attracting audiences to come and see the film is very important as this can be done in a variety of ways, if done well then is very successful. I would market my film by TV advertisements because the majority of people watch TV and I would choose to market it on prime time television because that’s the time that most of the public watch TV so therefore more would see the advertisements and be tempted into going to see the thriller.

Another way I would market my product is by putting on a trailer in the cinema before already existing films because it would be shown to cinema lovers who go to the cinema and want to watch a film, also lastly I would advertise it on social network/ internet sites because there is frequent use of those by people of 15+ who I have aimed my film at. There could be a link to the trailer so that anybody can gain access to this trailer.

When creating this thriller opening I learned a lot about technologies from the process of constructing my media product. I learnt a hell of a lot when creating this project, as everything was new to me, so as I went on in the process everything I learned was new and effective for me. I filmed most of the footage for the media product so I found that I had to get to grips and practise a lot with the camera for example: recording, tripod, moving it, angles etc. When all of the footage was filmed when then transferred it into an application called Final Cut Pro where most of the cutting and editing was done to produce the final clips. I found final cut pro easy to use and simple to understand one the technicians had demonstrated what to do. After using final cut pro to edit the piece we had to add sound so we used an application called Soundtrack Pro to create the music that fitted with the piece we created. After the sound and the moving image were created to top it off and make it look like an already existing thriller we used a program called live Type to make the titles for the beginning of the opening. These were the basic Apple Mac programs that we used to create the final product. We also used an Internet based site called Blogger where we recorded the filming process and practically wrote a diary on our progress when making the thriller. We commented on what happened in the lessons, what we did to film, edit etc and overall what we learned from doing this. After finishing the media product I posted on the Blogger website so that people looking on the website could see what I had created again giving more people the change to see the opening. I believe by doing this the Internet could widen the potential audience for the product.

Looking back on the build up to of this project we did many exercises and practise films etc to gather experience for when we created the final product. We did a match cut exercise where we had to make a practise film using match cuts and go through the same process and edit etc the film so that we had experience when doing our final one. I found helpful that we had practise sessions with the camera to get us familiar with the use of it and also the tripod. I also found that storyboarding and the postproduction exercises that we did really helped in consideration with the final product. I believe now looking back at it that the planning in the build up to this product was critical because it laid out a plan of what we had to film and we made a schedule on where and when we was going to film to we had a set criteria and plan for all of the days of producing which really helped.

Friday 27 February 2009

Final Thriller Project Video

This is the final thriller project video after the sound, titles and , moving image are all combined together.

Monday 23 February 2009

sound and music effects

On the 6th of February we completed the editing process. We then got to a point where we thought that the piece looked strong just with the clip. However, we then took the two minute piece into a Soundtrack pro where we put down a backing track for the whole piece. Then over the top of the backing track we added sound effects that built-in with the action in the sequence, For example - when the killer was sharpening the knife we really over bring out the noise, also, added over the top sound effects on to the opening of doors, running water and knocking. As this is one of the techniques that real thriller movies use. At the points of climax or significance we changed the sound to a higher or lower pitch, to let the audience know when there was a change in action, or just to keep them re-interested if interest was lost in the original music used.

Sunday 22 February 2009


On the wednesday we started editing,
it took us 3 lessons (a double and single) to capture, name and put the shots in order.
After that Mickey showed us how to play around with our shots e.g. speed them up/ slow them down, Melissa then showed us how to put text (e.g. Produced by, Starring, Music by) in using LiveType which you can play around with the text aswell - there was many different fonts, different styles and colours.

We then was showed how to put together the music, which we also done to enhance the sounds and make our opening scene more like a thriller.