Monday 23 February 2009

sound and music effects

On the 6th of February we completed the editing process. We then got to a point where we thought that the piece looked strong just with the clip. However, we then took the two minute piece into a Soundtrack pro where we put down a backing track for the whole piece. Then over the top of the backing track we added sound effects that built-in with the action in the sequence, For example - when the killer was sharpening the knife we really over bring out the noise, also, added over the top sound effects on to the opening of doors, running water and knocking. As this is one of the techniques that real thriller movies use. At the points of climax or significance we changed the sound to a higher or lower pitch, to let the audience know when there was a change in action, or just to keep them re-interested if interest was lost in the original music used.

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