Friday 27 February 2009

Final Thriller Project Video

This is the final thriller project video after the sound, titles and , moving image are all combined together.

Monday 23 February 2009

sound and music effects

On the 6th of February we completed the editing process. We then got to a point where we thought that the piece looked strong just with the clip. However, we then took the two minute piece into a Soundtrack pro where we put down a backing track for the whole piece. Then over the top of the backing track we added sound effects that built-in with the action in the sequence, For example - when the killer was sharpening the knife we really over bring out the noise, also, added over the top sound effects on to the opening of doors, running water and knocking. As this is one of the techniques that real thriller movies use. At the points of climax or significance we changed the sound to a higher or lower pitch, to let the audience know when there was a change in action, or just to keep them re-interested if interest was lost in the original music used.

Sunday 22 February 2009


On the wednesday we started editing,
it took us 3 lessons (a double and single) to capture, name and put the shots in order.
After that Mickey showed us how to play around with our shots e.g. speed them up/ slow them down, Melissa then showed us how to put text (e.g. Produced by, Starring, Music by) in using LiveType which you can play around with the text aswell - there was many different fonts, different styles and colours.

We then was showed how to put together the music, which we also done to enhance the sounds and make our opening scene more like a thriller.


we first filmed the shots on monday inside the house because we never stayed late,
on tuesday we filmed from 3 til 8 which meant we could film the shots outside the house because it was dark and this creates a more spooky effect.
At the end of tuesday we had 21 shots altogether
we filmed most of the shots 3 times so that when it comes to editing then we have more choices to pick from.
Brooke took the camera home again and filmed some extra shots like someone sharpening a knife, which we used.

Planning and presenting film.

On a double lesson - Friday morning, our whole class was asked to plan and present their idea by the end of the double lesson.
so in the first half my group (kassi, faruk, brooke, me) sat down and gathered ideas from each of us.
there was many ideas that sounded good such as a spooky, old chruch at night, a graveyard at night, dark alleyway etc but we thought about it in a bit more detailed and realised how much time and how hard it would be to use them ideas. also those ideas are used alot and we wanted to be original and stand out from the others.
In the end we all agreed on a girl being watched. And then we also got ideas from other thrillers and we decided to show the end of the film at the beginning and then as u see more, u will see what happened and how it happened.
Then we had to go deeper into the storyline and decide how many shots we was going to have and exactly what was going to happen in each shot and what camera angle we was going to use.
In the second half of the lesson we presented our ideas to our teacher and class and Annabelle seemed okay with it so we decided to stick with our ideas.

Monday 9 February 2009

Music and Sound Effects:

In the lesson on the 6th of February we finalized the editing process when we got to a point where we thought that the piece looks strong just with the clips etc. In the lesson we then took the 2 minute piece into Soundtrack pro where we layed down a backing track for the whole piece and then over the top of the backing track we added sound effects that fitted with the action in the sequence, For example - when the killer was sharpening the knife we really over emphasized the noise and also added over the top sound effects on to the opening of doors, running water, knocking etc as this is one of the techniques that real thriller movies use and if used well create a good thriller. At the points of climax or importance we changed the sound to a higher or lower pitch etc to let the audience know there was a change in action or just to keep them re-interested if interest was lost in the original music used.

Music, Sound Effects and Titles:

In the lesson on the 6th of February we finalized the editing process when we got to a point where we thought that the piece looks strong just with the clips etc. In the lesson we then took the 2 minute piece into Soundtrack pro where we layed down a backing track for the whole piece and then over the top of the backing track we added sound effects that fitted with the action in the sequence, For example - when the killer was sharpening the knife we really over emphasized the noise and also added over the top sound effects on to the opening of doors, running water, knocking etc as this is one of the techniques that real thriller movies use and if used well create a good thriller. At the points of climax or importance we changed the sound to a higher or lower pitch etc to let the audience know there was a change in action or just to keep them re-interested if interest was lost in the original music used.

Thursday 5 February 2009


After the filming of our shots we took the camera and captured the footage on to the Apple Mac and then we started to begin the editing process. After the editing process we used the Final Cut Pro were we started to cut and past the shots. Also we arranged them in order and started to make it like a thriller opening.

The editing Process took us for three lessons, which was our lessons on wednesday 28th January, Friday 30 January and Wednesday 4th Febuary. This is because we tried to get the cuts, transitions and the continuity of editing as perfect as we could. Then we had the media technician which showed us all the basic techniques on Final cut Pro. Therefore, we could add them to our thriller. For example the technician showed us how to overlap shots and also to slow or speed up the shots. We then started to add the credits on the film such as, starring, produced by, edited by and music by. To do the credits we used a program called Live on the Apple Mac's. The Live program allowed us to create a range of things such as, text, fonts, effects, size, and also to move it around the screen.
Lastly we were briefly taught by the technician on how to add music over the top of the film which we will start producing it on Friday.
We then decided that it was missing shots. Therefore, we are going to take the camera out again and re-film a couple of shots so that the thriller will look scarier.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009- Filming the opening

Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th January - Filming Opening
Monday was the first day of filming the thriller so we had planned to get the first 10-12 shots done so that got a good 10-15 minutes of film to edit. we filmed for about 2 hours straight to get them done and we achieved this by creating the shots very well and filming each shot at least 3 times so that we had choices when editing the film. On the first day of filming we got 9 shots done which was ok because there were only 21 to film so we did quite well collectively as a group.
Tuesday we decided to film again to try and finish up the filming so that in wednesdays lesson we could edit. we ended up filming the entire other 12 shots so collectively we had 21 in total to edit on the macs. we were filming from 3 in the afternoon until 8 o clock which was good because again we filmed each shot at least 3 times so we have a variety of shots, angles and choices when we come to edit it.
Now we have the entire 21 shots filmed we are now going to think about editing the film and making music to go with the thriller opening. we wanted to get the filming done quickly and in a short space of time so that we had a lot of time to arrange shots, music and edit because that adds the finishing touch to the opening.

After the filming, editing, music, text

After we finished filming the shots that we wanted to create we took the camera and captured the footage on to the Apple mac's to begin the editing process.
We took all of the footage and then using Final Cut Pro we cut and pasted shots, arranged them in order and made it look like the opening of a thriller movie. This editing Process took a double and single lesson because we tried to get the cuts, transitions, continuity editing perfect. Mickey showed us all of the basic techniques on Final cut so that we could add them to our piece for example how to overlap shots, to slow things down and speed things up etc.
After we have the basic film that we wanted to show, we then decided to start adding the credits on the the film (Starring, produced by, edited by, music by) and to do this we used a program called Live type that was also on the Apple Mac's. This program allowed us to create text, add fonts, effects to it, change the size, move it around the screen etc so that we could play around with the text and see what worked best.
Lastly we were briefly taught how to add music over the top of the film which we will carry on producing in the next lesson.
After seeing the basic layout of the our film, we collectively decided that it is missing something so we are going to take the camera out again and re film a couple of shots so that they look more scary, thriller like and fit in more with our story/task.