Sunday 22 February 2009

Planning and presenting film.

On a double lesson - Friday morning, our whole class was asked to plan and present their idea by the end of the double lesson.
so in the first half my group (kassi, faruk, brooke, me) sat down and gathered ideas from each of us.
there was many ideas that sounded good such as a spooky, old chruch at night, a graveyard at night, dark alleyway etc but we thought about it in a bit more detailed and realised how much time and how hard it would be to use them ideas. also those ideas are used alot and we wanted to be original and stand out from the others.
In the end we all agreed on a girl being watched. And then we also got ideas from other thrillers and we decided to show the end of the film at the beginning and then as u see more, u will see what happened and how it happened.
Then we had to go deeper into the storyline and decide how many shots we was going to have and exactly what was going to happen in each shot and what camera angle we was going to use.
In the second half of the lesson we presented our ideas to our teacher and class and Annabelle seemed okay with it so we decided to stick with our ideas.

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