Thursday 5 February 2009

After the filming, editing, music, text

After we finished filming the shots that we wanted to create we took the camera and captured the footage on to the Apple mac's to begin the editing process.
We took all of the footage and then using Final Cut Pro we cut and pasted shots, arranged them in order and made it look like the opening of a thriller movie. This editing Process took a double and single lesson because we tried to get the cuts, transitions, continuity editing perfect. Mickey showed us all of the basic techniques on Final cut so that we could add them to our piece for example how to overlap shots, to slow things down and speed things up etc.
After we have the basic film that we wanted to show, we then decided to start adding the credits on the the film (Starring, produced by, edited by, music by) and to do this we used a program called Live type that was also on the Apple Mac's. This program allowed us to create text, add fonts, effects to it, change the size, move it around the screen etc so that we could play around with the text and see what worked best.
Lastly we were briefly taught how to add music over the top of the film which we will carry on producing in the next lesson.
After seeing the basic layout of the our film, we collectively decided that it is missing something so we are going to take the camera out again and re film a couple of shots so that they look more scary, thriller like and fit in more with our story/task.

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