Wednesday 28 January 2009

Planning of our thriller opening

We sat down in our groups and together we brainstormed some ideas about the opening of our overall thriller. As a result, we all had different ideas of what we wanted within the opening of our thriller film, so as a group we tried to merge all of the ideas and add them into one collective opening for the thriller.
In addition to this, we came up with many different ideas such as, using a church, graveyard and dark alley ways. However, we then realised that these ideas were a bit formula therefore, at the end of our brainstorm we decided to film the opening of a girl inside her house who is having a normal day. However, then a guy gets into her house and starts to watch her all the way through until she is murdered.
We then decided that we wanted to be creative and show the ending as if the whole film was being made and then kind of going back in time and showing what happened, including the events that leaded to her being murdered.
After getting a primary idea we then brainstormed the type of shots we wanted to add to the opening of our thriller to make it attractive and appealing to the audience. As a group we then went through shot by shot and planned every shot we was going to use in the opening of our thriller such as, the camera angles / movement. Also, in the second half of our lesson we had to pitch the plan to the class and to the teacher to see if it was good to go ahead to process. We also personated our idea in a PowerPoint presentation informing the class about everything they needed to know about our thriller opening.

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