Friday 30 January 2009

AS thriller practical assignment

Over the course of the term we have been looking at thrillers, this is because our practical is creating the opening of a thriller film. 
In our media lessons we have been studying and analyzing clips of different thriller movies to find out what should be included in our own project, we have focused on camera work, editing, lighting, and mise en scene. Each of these things are important when creating any type of film. In both Dan and Annabel's lessons we have been concentrating on the different elements that make up a  thriller, we have studied this profusely so that we remember to add certain elements to our own thriller.
Music is the key to most movies as it creates the mood, and also can distinguish a horror from a romance, or a comedy from an action movie. It's important that we create a soundtrack for our opening that fits with the opening itself, it needs to create an eerie mood to create suspense.
The editing is important as well, because the editing can set the pace and even the mood. Each shot needs to be well edited so it looks consistent and makes the thriller look its best.
On Monday 26th January, and Tuesday 27th January, we filmed our shots for the thriller. We were determined to get it all filmed so that we could begin the editing process which would take a longer time than the filming would. 
Brooke had planned out each shot from the plan we wrote in class, and we went by that so that we wouldn't get mixed up with what we filmed and what we hadn't. It was important that we filmed some scenes last as they were harder to do during the day, or not possible until everything else was finished. For example, the bath scene had to be filmed last because it was the messiest scene and also would take the longest to create. 
Also, scenes that were supposed to be shot in the dark had to be postponed until it was darker outside. 
We managed to get all of the shots filmed, shooting them a couple of times to make sure we had enough choice for the editing process. 
Today, and Wednesday have been our first editing sessions, we have managed to complete the sequence for the movie, but there are still some elements we need to include. We still need to create the music for the opening, we also need to film another shot - a knife being sharpened - to heighten the fact there is a killer. 
During the editing process we have paid close attention to match cutting, this is important because without it the shots would look inconsistent and wouldn't fit together properly, making the film look poorly made.
Until the opening itself is fully edited and we are happy with everything we have added into it, the music will be the next big thing to create because it's important that we set the right mood, and of course we will need to be able to see the finished production in order to create the music that is eerie in the right places.

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