Wednesday 28 January 2009

Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th January - Filming Opening

Monday was the first day of filming the thriller so we had planned to get the first 10-12 shots done so that got a good 10-15 minutes of film to edit. we filmed for about 2 hours straight to get them done and we achieved this by creating the shots very well and filming each shot at least 3 times so that we had choices when editing the film. On the first day of filming we got 9 shots done which was ok because there were only 21 to film so we did quite well collectively as a group.
Tuesday we decided to film again to try and finish up the filming so that in wednesdays lesson we could edit. we ended up filming the entire other 12 shots so collectively we had 21 in total to edit on the macs. we were filming from 3 in the afternoon until 8 o clock which was good because again we filmed each shot at least 3 times so we have a variety of shots, angles and choices when we come to edit it.
Now we have the entire 21 shots filmed we are now going to think about editing the film and making music to go with the thriller opening. we wanted to get the filming done quickly and in a short space of time so that we had a lot of time to arrange shots, music and edit because that adds the finishing touch to the opening.

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