Friday 16 January 2009

Practical Film 2

The task given in this three hour lesson was to film our practice film that would be submitted alongside our thriller as a practice piece in order to practice match-cutting also, In this film everyone in the class had to film the same thing which was 'a character opens a door, walks into a room, sits down opposite another character and they share a few lines of dialogue.' and in this film we had to make sure that we had at least one Match Cut and showing our understanding of the '180 degree rule'.

I am very happy with our camera work, we planned it thoroughly and used a lot of different camera shots. The shots that worked well were the Over-the-shoulder shots and the low-angle-shots, they worked well because it showed two perspectives of the characters. If i had to pick, the camera shot that didn't work was the panning shot but it worked in the end because of editing which went well. Our continuity editing was very successful. I have learnt a lot about mise en scene because i have learnt that it is incredibly important to how the film is portrayed and how the story is told.

Our film did create an element of suspense as I walked in in the opening scenes with the close up of the feet and hand opening the door shot, you think to yourself 'where is he walking and why?' We did come across some errors and mistakes when we got to the editing process, we realised that we did not add a extra five seconds at the end of each shot to make it easier and gave us more time to edit. I do not think that we used any of the conventions from other thriller films we just made it up ourselves. 

Our feedback from our class and our teacher was positively. Annabelle said it was 'short which was good'. After watching our short piece of film i thought it was quite good for a practice, but this would mean we would have to work twice as hard for our thriller because our expectations may have been higher now, we could take the negative feedback and learn from out mistakes for the thriller. We feel that our thriller should be better as we already have a lot of interesting ideas already off the top of our heads.

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